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- Tip: Literacy & Learning > The Love of Reading
Tip: Literacy & Learning > The Love of Reading
Once we can read, we need to develop a love of reading. Reading powers ALL areas of literacy skill development. So, how do we develop the love of reading?
Listening/Speaking: Once we can read, we can listen to audiobooks to consume our literature. We can also form book groups or book clubs to collaborate and discuss literature. Try using @Goodreads, @the.storygraph, or @bookslothapp to build a reading Community Of Learners. This also helps the user Collaborate And Network with other readers.
Writing: Reading can be a great way to build and improve writing skills. By reading good grammar, those grammar rules are transferred to the reader. This is Authentic Learning at its finest. Reading can also prompt writers to build stories and works of their own. The more we read, the more our imagination grows, and the more topics we have to write about. Try using the #ArticleOfTheWeek by Kelly Gallagher to ignite learners’ writing.
Reading: What tools can help us choose, consume, digest, and ultimately LOVE literature? The list is endless! You can Enrich With Tech! Try these FREE Powered By Tech resources as a starting point: @audiofilemagazine, @commonlit, @ebscoinformationservices, @hoopladigital, @libby.app, @newsela, @sorareadingapp!
Finally, Coach And Mentor learners to build a love of reading by modeling the love of reading yourself. Read with learners, write about what you’re reading, and share the wonderful literature the world has to offer.
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